Wednesday 22 April 2020

Simple Safety Tips to Follow While Using A Platform Ladder.

Ladders are of many designs and materials. One of the common types of ladders found in the market is platform ladders. A platform ladder is a self-supporting portable ladder that comes with a platform at the highest intended standing level. However, it is important to mention that platform ladders are non-adjustable in length. Platform ladders are commonly used in warehouses and distribution centers as it is perfect for retrieving items from an elevated level. As working in heights are usually risky, workers must follow certain precautions while using a platform ladder. Here are some of the simple measures to follow:

1. Always ensure that the ladder is placed on sturdy ground.
2. Personnel working on the platform ladder should ensure that he/she is wearing slip-resistant footwear. Loose clothes are also not recommended.
3. Before using the platform ladder, inspect if there are any safety hazards.
4. Ensure that the spreaders are fully extended before using it.
5. Always face the ladder when ascending or descending. Remember the “three points of contact” rule.
6. Do not try to extend the height by standing on top of boxes or containers.
7. Do not sit or stand on the top cap.
8. If the ladder needs to be moved, clear the personnel/items before repositioning the platform ladder.  Never attempt to ladder walk.
9. Always position the platform ladder as close to the task at hand. Do not try to overreach.
10. Ensure that there are no more than one person using the platform ladder at a time.
11. Always use safety cones or warning tape to prevent accidental contact with the platform ladder.
12. After use, store the platform ladder in a dry and clean environment. 

Sometimes, with extensive use, workers are often comfortable and ignore the simple measure. However, no matter how experienced you are using a platform ladder, always prioritize the safety of yourself and the ones around you. If you are searching for a high-quality platform ladder, contact Ascend Access System Scaffolding LLC, Dubai, UAE. We are leading providers of the best platform ladders in UAE. 

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